Sustanon dose for TRT
TRT is an acronym for "Testosterone Replacement Therapy". It involves the replacement of naturally produced endogenous testosterone hormone in the body with exogenous synthetically produced testosterone.

TRT is an acronym for “Testosterone Replacement Therapy”. It involves the replacement of naturally produced endogenous testosterone hormone in the body with exogenous synthetically produced testosterone.
Now this is a therapy recommended in general medical use for patients with low testosterone levels or where a bodybuilder intends experiencing the gains of steroid use by upping their testosterone levels with the use of testosterone boosting synthetic steroids like Sustanon 250. Sustanon dose for TRT will not only imitate the naturally produced endogenous testosterone hormone in the body, but also their associated metabolites.
Preferred Sustanon dose for TRT
What is regarded as the preferred Sustanon dose for TRT is a dose that will either rectify the issues associated with low testosterone levels, as in the case of general medical treatment or provide positive gains like stamina, endurance, and lean muscle mass, as in the case of use by bodybuilders with little or no side effects.
For general medical use, the Sustanon dose for TRT is a single shot of Sustanon 250 administered once every 3 weeks or once in 21 days. After this duration, a blood test would have to be taken in order to determine the testosterone level of the patient. However, for bodybuilders the preferred Sustanon dose for TRT would usually involve the use of between 500 and 1,000mg per week over a predetermined cycle if only Sustanon 250 steroid is used.
With a steroid stack involving the use of Sustanon 250 steroid amongst others, the preferred Sustanon dose for TRT would then by 250mg per week for a predetermined cycle. However, after the completion of the steroid stack cycle, a blood test to determine the testosterone level in the body should be carried out.
There are many factors that will determine your amount and frequency of Sustanon injection use. Chief amongst these factors is your tolerance level. As a newbie to steroid use, it is always advisable that you start with low doses of this steroid and then up your dosage in subsequent cycles. You should also know if your endogenous testosterone hormone is at a normal level before you begin a Sustanon 250 cycle.
If your endogenous testosterone hormone level is not at a normal level, then your Sustanon 250 dosage will be geared towards stabilising it first of all before looking to experience the bodybuilding gains of the exogenous testosterone boosting androgenic anabolic steroid.
Your Sustanon 250 cycle may be altered by an increase in your Sustanon 250 dosage if your testosterone blood work comes back as being normal. At this point, your Sustanon use can be geared towards achieving incremental testosterone levels instead of simply stabilising your endogenous testosterone levels with the exogenous testosterone booster anabolic steroid.