Sustanon and TRT
It’s really for the purpose stated in this title (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) that exogenous testosterone (and sustanon) is widely used within a medical capacity.
Sustanon and Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) simply involves “force-feeding” the body with testosterone when testosterone levels are not “peaking” properly. This is quite a common issue amongst men over the age of 30, as their levels gradually decline every 10 years.
In these instances, one can literally integrate sustanon to provide a drip-fed release of testosterone over the space of a month; this is far more beneficial than simply administering every week or so as would be required with a shorter lasting ester variant.
It should be noted that longer lasting esters would only be suitable should the users “genetics” be compatible with the propionate ester. Following a successful initial run with this variant, sustanon could then be implemented.
Those who wished to integrate test 250 for use in this capacity would need (typically) to administer it once every three weeks at a dose of 250mg. At least, this was the “old fashioned” means of incorporating it for TRT.
It has been determined that (much in the same way as it does for those seeking aesthetic optimisation) testosterone levels cannot remain at their true “peak” with a dose being administered once per week, even with the long lasting decanoate ester being in place.
Those in need of TRT require a hard-hitting and continuously optimal release of testosterone (even though it is not needed at the same level as those integrating for aesthetic purposes), therefore it was determined that, at least initially, testosterone had to be introduced in a more “potent” format.
For this reason, the first month of TRT implementation requires regular weekly injections to establish a firm hormonal base within the system. Following this initial month, the injection frequency then drops.
It’s worth noting that some individuals will require a less frequent administration than others, but the specific frequency depends entirely on product compatibility and genetics.
The only way an individual will know for sure whether or not their testosterone levels are “balancing” after the first month is to have regular blood tests to discern the injection frequency they will require moving forwards.
With these tests in place, sustanon can be very effectively put to use within a TRT capacity.
Do You Need TRT?
What are the symptoms?
1. Hesitancy and Indecisiveness
When you suffer from low testosterone, you may find yourself hesitating to make a decision about the smallest, most insignificant things.
This is a classic symptom of low testosterone but can often go unnoticed until other more obvious symptoms manifest themselves.
2. Decrease in Strength or Endurance
No matter how much you exercise, or whatever improvements you make to your diet, you just don’t seem to be getting any stronger or fitter. Worse, you may even begin losing muscle mass and seeing your progress reverse.
It is also common to see a decrease in muscle mass while strength remains unchanged. This is often accompanied by an increase in body fat and an enlargement of breast tissue due to the imbalance between estrogen and testosterone.
3. Decreased Enjoyment of Life
Testosterone isn’t just responsible for physical health but can also influence mental functions including your mood. This can manifest itself in a number of ways such as lowered interest in hobbies and an increase in apathy.
You may notice that small things irritate you greatly and you are quick to lose your temper. Additionally, you might find it difficult to focus on one task.
4. Decreased Sex Drive
Testosterone plays a key role in several sexual functions in men. Along with a decreased sex drive, when you suffer from low testosterone you may also experience difficulty achieving and/or maintaining an erection.
It’s important to note however, this symptom alone may now be a sign of low testosterone. While half of TRT patients will notice an improvement in the quality of their sex life, other health problems may be responsible (diabetes, thyroid problems, high blood pressure etc). It is absolutely essential to get a doctors opinion before commencing TRT.
5. Mental Fog
Another mental symptom of low testosterone is feeling like your head is in the clouds. Sounds may appear softer and more distant, colours may seem less vibrant. Accompanying this is a feeling of detachment from your surroundings. Time becomes more of an abstract concept and your thoughts form at a much slower pace than usual.
6. Anxiety
Although anxiety is treated as a mental issue it can also be symptom of hormones imbalance. As well as a general feeling of dread, anxiety feedback loops may be experienced as a vicious cycle of stress. This is different to normal levels of concern as it becomes the default state of mind, eventually controlling your life.
Everyone may experience this at a different level, from a gnawing anxiety that is always present in the background, to full blown panic attacks.
7. Lack of Energy
Despite getting an adequate amount of sleep, you may experience anything from low energy levels to extreme fatigue.
Your motivation has evaporated from your life and you experience fatigue and tiredness for weeks at a time. You may also find yourself falling asleep easily throughout the day. Worst of all, you don’t have the energy to exercise or go to the gym.
Final Thoughts
This is a list of the most common symptoms of low testosterone. It is by no means exhaustive, and a sufferer of low testosterone may experience any combination of these symptoms.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms the first step to take is to talk with your doctor about diagnosis and testing for low testosterone, and potentially TRT. As many of these symptoms are also indicative of depression or other mental illnesses, it’s important to learn as much as possible about TRT so that both you and your doctor agree on a diagnosis.
More importantly, Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a very straightforward and simple procedure but can greatly improve your quality of life. So if you suspect this is a problem for you, talk to your doctor without delay.